Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hello Nikon EM!!

After months of pestering my dad for his "antique" film camera, he finally gave it to me during the Chinese New Year visit in February! The camera was well-kept and in good-condition after not used for almost 20 years, except for its super mouldy leather casing! Nevertheless, the camera needed to be checked if it's still in working condition and thoroughly cleaned up by the expert Mr Tay before it can make its first appearance.

Film : Agfa CT Precisa 100
Date Taken : October 2010

The first roll of film on the Nikon EM was amazingly good! Considering that it hasn't been used for so long, Mr Tay must have done a very good check and cleaning of the "grandpa" camera. The pictures were taken around and inside Marina Sands, as well as at Dempsey Hill.

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